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Leonberger je vyšľachtené plemeno psa.Na vyšľachtenie boli použité psy :newfoundlandský, st.bernard pes a pyrenejský horský pes
Heinrichom Essigom v roku 1846.
Marec, 2015
Webové stránky Chatayan:
Vznikli v roku 2003. Boli to prvé slovenské stránky venované leonbergerom
Marec, 2015
Čo je nové:
Prvá novinka
Leonberger je u nás iba jeden:
Grace vom Dreiburgenland
Updated: 4.marca , 2015
Čo nás čaká:
V prvom rade sa zmieriť
so skutočnosťou, že nebudeme mať
Updated: 4.marca, 2015
Všimli sme si:
Leonberger má stále nových
obdivovateľov a chovateľov.
Na Slovensku je už viac ako 1600 registrovaných jedincov.
Leonberger sa stal vyslovene rodinným spoločníkom.
Updated: 7.marec, 2015
Leonberger Kennel Chatayan Slovakia
You are heartly welcomed to our website about Leonbergers. You are able to find here lots of information about Slovak Leonberger club and our history and stories with having these beatiful dogs!
Place near our house in Čataj
Our village Cataj has arround 1000 citizens. It is small village thirty kilometers next to capital city of Slovakia - Bratislava. It is small peaceful village with long traditions. We are kind and nice neighbourhood and everybody is respecting each other. People from our village usually meet up during football matches, where we have great time.
Our favorite summer destination in Croatia, village Poljica, nearby town Trogir .